Wastewater System Replacement
Amistad National Recreation Area, Del Rio, Texas
Amistad National Recreation Area serves over one million visitors every year whose primary activities consist of fishing, boating, and water skiing. The visitation to Amistad NRA continues to rise, especially during the summer months. The old wastewater system was incapable of handling the capacity required. Holladay Engineering Co. (Now HECO) was tasked with designing a new, larger wastewater system required to provide the basic services to park visitors.
The project includes removing and replacing three existing non-working, obsolete lift stations, 3,000 ft of wastewater discharge line, 7,000 ft. of potable water line, replacement of pumps, pressure tanks, well, control panels and other related water and wastewater collection and distribution equipment. Also, a new fish cleaning station was designed as part of the project. The total construction cost came to $850,000.
Services Provided by HECO Engineers:
- Project Planning
- Preliminary design
- Programming
- Site analysis
- Design
- Survey